Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to Love A Black Woman

How should a black man love a black woman?

Depending on who responds to this age old question, you may get a one word response or a long drawn out conversation that may end up in a heated debate. Ladies: the bottom line is, in your opinion, are we as black men doing everything that we can do to love you the way that you wish to be loved? Has there been growth over the last several years for our relationships to improve or have things gotten worst and if so-why?
Share some of your thoughts...let's communicate.

* Are we understanding enough as black men? What can we do to be more sensitive to your needs?
* What type of trust does it take for you to totally submit to a man?
* Are we spiritual enough? And if not, why do you think that is?
* Do you feel that we are stepping up and taking our rightful place as leaders in our communities? What can we do more of?
* Are we sexually pleasing enough? Do we put you first before our own sexual needs in most cases and if not, why do you think that is?

What can you do as our strength and wisdom to facilitate some of these improvements?
Just a few questions to open up the floodgates of understanding.

Love, Loyalty & Respect,

K. Roland

Friday, April 16, 2010

PILLOW TALK-What does she want to hear

What she wants to hear

Obviously this varies considerably from woman to woman, but for the most part she just wants your time and attention in a private setting. She wants you to tell her that she’s beautiful, that she is smart, that she is funny, that she is a beast between the sheets (maybe not in those words of course), or whatever it is that you think and feel about her. The most important thing is that you are completely honest with her. Now dont get it twisted, once you open up Pandora's Box, be prepared for her honesty to flow out.

What she doesn’t want to hear

Whatever you do, don’t use this opportunity to say anything negative. Use this special time to get close to your significant other. Dont discuss, work, bills, business, uncle Pooky getting out of jail, or anything that may stress her out (and possibly jeopardize a 2nd or 3rd round of love making). Tell her what she does to bring you pleasure and how she is a great lover and she will more than likely do the same. Nothing wrong with an ego booster, but keep it light. Too much talk about performance can lead in a direction that may result in tension which you dont want.

Good luck lovers!

Love, Loyalty & Respect!